Metal Steering Wheel Paddle Extension Shifter

Metal Steering Wheel Paddle Extension Shifter

Inkcazelo emfutshane:

Iimodeli ezisebenzayo: -For BMW 1 Series F20 F21 2012-2018 -For BMW 2 Series F22 F23 2014-2018 -For BMW 2 Series Active Tourer F45 2015-2021 -For BMW 3 Series F30 F31 GT019 Series -For BMW 2019 GT019 F34 2013-2020 -For BMW 4 Series F32 F33 F36 2014-2020 -For BMW 5 Series F10 F11 2014-2017 -For BMW 5 Series GT F07 2014-2020 -For BMW 6 Series F16 BM10 F16 BM10 Series F01 F02 2013-2015 -For BMW X1 F48 2016-2019 -For BMW X2 F39 2018-2020 -For BMW X4 F26 2015-03/2019 -For BMW X5 F15 2014-...

  • FOB ixabiso:US $ 0.5 - 9,999 / Iqhekeza
  • Min.Ubungakanani boMyalelo:100 Iqhekeza / Iingceba
  • Ubunakho bokubonelela:10000 Iqhekeza/Amaqhekeza ngenyanga
  • Izibuko:Ningbo
  • Immimiselo yokuhlawula:L/C,D/A,D/P,T/T
  • Iinkcukacha zeMveliso

    Iithegi zeMveliso

    Imifuziselo Esebenzayo:

    -For BMW 1 Series F20 F21 2012-2018
    -For BMW 2 Series F22 F23 2014-2018
    -For BMW 2 Series Active Tourer F45 2015-2021
    -For BMW 3 Series F30 F31 2012-2019
    -For BMW 3 Series GT F34 2013-2020
    -For BMW 4 Series F32 F33 F36 2014-2020
    -For BMW 5 Series F10 F11 2014-2017
    -For BMW 5 Series GT F07 2014-2020
    -For BMW 6 Series F12 F13 F06 2014-2016
    -For BMW 7 Series F01 F02 2013-2015
    -Ye-BMW X1 F48 2016-2019
    -Kuba BMW X2 F39 2018-2020
    -Ye-BMW X4 F26 2015-03/2019
    -For BMW X5 F15 2014-2019
    -For BMW X6 F16 2015-2019
    -For BMW i8 i12 2015-2018
    -Fit For BMW F87 M2 2015-2020
    -Fit For BMW F80 M3 2014-2020
    -Fit For BMW F82 F83 M4 2014-2020
    -Fit For BMW F10 M5 2012-2018
    -Ifanele iBMW F12 F13 F06 M6 2013-2020
    -Fit For BMW F15 X5 M 2014-2019
    -Fit For BMW F16 X6 M 2015-2019
    -Fit For BMW i3 i01 2014-2021
    -Fit For BMW F25 X3 2013-2018

    • Nika ivili lokuqhuba imoto yakho olona khuselo lubalaseleyo kwaye lukhangeleka lupholile kakhulu
    • Iimathiriyeli yiAluminium Alloy, yomelele, kwaye ayonakalisi imoto

    Izinto eziBandakanyiweyo ekuThengweni:

    • 2 iziqwenga shift ivili lokuqhuba ( kwicala lasekunene nasekhohlo) kunye 2 ufakelo iinxalenye



    Umbuzo: Ithini into yocaphulo lwakho?

    A: Imizobo okanye iSampuli, izinto eziphathekayo, Gqiba, kunye noBubungakanani.


    Umbuzo: Ngaba kunokwenzeka ukwazi ukuba iimveliso zam ziqhubeka njani ngaphandle kokutyelela inkampani yakho?

    A: Siza kubonelela ngeshedyuli yemveliso eneenkcukacha kwaye sithumele iingxelo zeveki kunye nemifanekiso yedijithali kunye neevidiyo ezibonisa inkqubela yobuchwephesha.


    Umbuzo: Yintoni inkqubo ethile yokwenziwa?

    A: Uyilo lokufa→Ukwenziwa kokufa→Ukunyibilika nokufakwa kwingxubevange→QC→ukufakela ukuphosa→susa iibhula→QC→unyango lwakumphezulu→QC→Ukupakisha→QC→Ukuthumela ngenqanawe→Emva kweNkonzo yoThengiso.

  • Ngaphambili:
  • Okulandelayo:

  • Write your message here and send it to us

    Iimveliso ezinxulumeneyo
