Work Period: 1 May 2017 – 7 May 2017

Work Period: 1 May 2017 – 7 May 2017
Written Format of Work Period Poem

This morning I saw a huge tom turkey fly over the guard rail along the passenger side of my vehicle. It was one of those chance encounters any woman fancies jotting down in her diary. But what this handsome gobbler and my fellow drivers didn’t know is I am packing light that can cure disease and relieve pain. Long before my ancestors painted on the walls of caves, I used my small intestines as a conduit and transferred the power of the sun to the center of my body. I asked Zeus to show me how to accurately direct this light because he hurls lightning bolts like an Olympic javelin thrower. After a few lessons likened to Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber training under the expert hand of Obi-Wan Kenobi, I was firing lasers from my fingertips with the pinpoint accuracy of a Navy S.E.A.L. sniper. I journeyed street by street and house by house so that I could find my patients one by one. I aimed my healing beams and alleviated the symptoms of common neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, and psychiatric conditions like depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. My lasers also cured orthopedic injuries like rotator cuff tears, carpal tunnel syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. Furthermore, I was able to reduce the indicators of osteoarthritis including stiffness, crackles, swelling, and tenderness in such joints as the knee, shoulder, and hip. Classifications like health plan constraints, tax bracket, and locality make absolutely no difference to me. I administer treatment to everyone even if I am an out-of-network provider or a patient lives in a tree house and needs to remit their payment using chickens they deliver on a dumbwaiter. The best thing of all is that you don’t need to put a hashtag in front of a phrase to find me. Just bang some pots or pans together and I will find you.

The title of this video features Verdana, a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter. I record my voice using the Audio-Technica AT2020USB+ Cardioid Condenser USB Microphone and the Audacity software program.

Post time: Jun-13-2017