UTG Pro Super Slim Free Float Handguard, 13-Inch Installation (Pt 2)

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UTG Pro Super Slim Free Float Handguard, 13-Inch
$98.99 @ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DE8UEPQ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00DE8UEPQ&linkCode=as2&tag=jeffersocom-20

Watch the entire installation here:


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Some Installation Tips:

- Make sure to install all your Magpul MOE Rail Extensions BEFORE putting on the barrel. The ones that come with the hand guard screw in fine from the outside.

- Put the hand guard on AFTER you tighten the muzzle compensator. The handguard messes with the contour of your upper block.

- Remember to tighten the handguard, 6 bolts, very tight, otherwise there will be a lot of wiggle on the handguard.

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vs. Model 4/15 Rifle Length Quad Rail Free Float Handguard, 13-Inch Comparison


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Post time: Jul-12-2019