unclog bathtub drains, snake a bath tub drain

help! my bath tub drain is clogged, how to snake a bathtub drain video
best snake clogged tub drain clear method from the pop-up cover. step-by-step on video from a pro to the YouTube user. both women & men will find easy and informative
how to snake a tub drain, solve clogged or slow draining
Unscrew the metal plate under the tub faucet, called the overflow plate, being careful not to drop the screws down the drain. Remove the overflow plate. It will be connected to the stopper mechanism for the tub; pull that out through the hole behind the overflow plate as well. YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/user/roslynny

Handyman Dino Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dino.pinch.7

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The_Handyman_Zone Store: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/handyman/

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Adulting 101: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcq-S2ZayyFbM8E7jHKVi7w/feed

Hot n’ Handy Heather: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3PcZBVZCEELJEPwG8gyr-g

Weasel & Ferret Stuff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGoYhMxrJC5T4zT0-PKtQ6A

Post time: Jul-17-2018