Shop # 561-865-5426
This video is an explanation on how the S&W M&P 15 can fire while not fully into battery. it is also a dis-assembly and reassembly video. I made this for GunWild1 and another youtuber who asked.
The S&W is a great .22 rifle, its a very reliable and accurate fun gun. Its also a very good quality rifle. It has had some issues including being able to fire while not fully into battery but as long as you take safety precautions like wearing your glasses, I have never heard of anyone being injured from it.
I hope this video helps those who plan on taking their bolt down. If you are in the market for a firearm or accessory, please visit the shop, link is above. The same goes for any Gunsmith/Armorer work you may need. If you are in the market for bulk ammo, please either call (561-865-5426) or visit the shop or the link for ammunitiondepot. com is also above. Thank You and God Bless. : )
Post time: Jun-12-2017