Sheet Metal Brake Fabricating Tight Bends for a Truck Bed at Eastwood

BUY The Versa-Bend MetaL Brake Here:
The Eastwood Versa Bend 20 Inch Offset Sheet Metal Brake is a precision engineered metal working tool designed to produce both standard variable length bends as well as accurate 1/2 Inch offset bends up to 90 Degrees in 20 gauge sheet steel and 18 gauge aluminum in widths up to 20 Inch. Also capable of creating bends in 18 gauge steel in widths less than 12 Inch. Create floor reinforcement channels and ribs, sections of corrugated pickup bed floors; truck bedside panels, inner fender structures and much more all with one convenient vise or bench mount tool.

In this video Matt fabricates new side panels for his old Dodge Pickup as he lengthens the bed. Watch the video to see how the Versa-Bend Sheet Metal Brake forms the tight joggle bends that most expensive brakes are unable to produce.

Post time: Aug-19-2019