Precisionscreen Barrel Washer

The Precisionscreen Barrel Washer is designed to scrub and clean natural pebble so it can be sold as decorative stone to landscape yards. The Barrel Washer circuit consists of an open Feed hopper with variable speed belt and control gate to regulate material flow. As the bin is open style it will require pre-screened material to be fed in with a top size of 150mm (Ideal feed size is 50mm minus).
The feed material then enters the feed box on the Barrel washer where a large volume of water forces the material into the rotating Barrel. The internal lifters help agitate, scrub and clean the rock forcing a rock on rock cleaning action assisted with the injection of clean water via the internal spray bar that’s runs the length of the barrel. Retention time inside the barrel is controlled via the variable speed control of the barrel ranging from 1-10 RPM. Material discharges onto to the 8ft long mesh Trommel for final cleaning and draining of dirty water. The mesh on the outside of the Trommel is cleaned via a spray to help prevent blinding and the internal spray bars ensures maximum cleaning up to the discharge point on the chute.
Various size Stockpilers can be used to stockpile the finished product and can be set-up in the radial wheel motion so that bins can be made for the different size rock products

Post time: Jul-31-2018