I test waterfastness of Sharpie Paint Pens in both Oil-based and Water-based formulas, after I’ve sealed them with a clear acrylic matte sealer. I use Sharpie Paint Markers on a rock and on painted metal boxes and then show you how to make your design permanent to hold up to water and every day wear and tear.
I have many other videos on this topic, that you might be interested in watching:
Oil-based Vs. Water-based Sharpie Paint Markers Comparision: https://youtu.be/qv3EgRdEsUk
How to Fix a Clogged Oil Based Sharpie Paint Marker:(a jump to specific spot in the comparision video) https://youtu.be/qv3EgRdEsUk?t=5m
Sharpie Paint Pen Review: https://youtu.be/xrxdoz4oPJs (mostly info on water-based on paper).
Hand Lettered No Soliciting Sign: https://youtu.be/2hGA8zsHKRg (water-based paint pens on metal surface).
Extra Fine Point Silver Pens: https://youtu.be/xG4tGcDFTlo (on a slick surface).
Post time: Aug-25-2018