How to remove the ear piercing earrings, instruction film in English

A safer way to look good every day.

Around the world Blomdahl protects consumers and professionals against health risks associated with ear piercing and jewellery. We do this by always putting the medical aspects first.

Ear piercing with Blomdahl Medical ”No-Touch” Ear Piercing is carried out using sterile disposable products. The method is based upon what within the health care industry is known as “modern aseptic technique”.

Blomdahl ear piercing technique enables practitioners to, single- handedly, pierce two earlobes simultaneously. This is something which is much appreciated by children and parents alike.

Our piercing earrings have been developed in consultation with skin specialists in order to be suitable for everyone, even those who suffer from contact allergies. They are also designed to facilitate the healing process.

Blomdahl is designed and manufactured in Sweden. This means that we have full control over all stages of production and all materials used.

Post time: Jan-25-2018