High Vacuum Chamber for THIN FILM DEPOSITION Build

I built a physical deposition chamber, for now it’s just evaporative deposition but I plan on adding a few other variants. The thin films created can be used in many ways.
The chamber still has a ton of space leftover and I have some more equipment coming so hopefully I can do more interesting things.
Sorry there’s no footage of lathing the feedthroughs, they worked nice with a cut o-ring and some heat shrink. Make sure you cut a slot down the holding screw threads to vent behind em. The 2 copper feedthroughs allow (with a center tap) 2 tungsten boats with different metals so I can avoid opening the chamber in a multi layer coating.
The pump down takes about 45 min. to get to 10e-5. I can use a small steel hemisphere with a kf40 hose on the top for use with a secondary high vacuum chamber. The shutter was aluminum flashing with some steel stuck on one side so a neodymium magnet on the outside of the bell jar could move it around without a feedthrough.
This build was really fun

I got everything from mcmaster, K.j lesker, ebay and what I already had

This did cost a bit to make:
diffusion pump- $160
mechanical pump-$140
plate- $270 (ouch!)
valves- $90
gauges- $200
misc vacuum stuff -$120
bell jar – $140 (stupid)
other stuff – maybe $100?

I recommend you check out https://www.youtube.com/user/bkraz333
he has done some neat stuff with his setup and a bunch of other things

Warning: Something might be dangerous

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Post time: Dec-02-2017