Gator Grip As Seen On TV

While Supplies last.
You can get yours here: @ 50% discount for a limited amount of time.

Fits Over One Thousand Nuts, Bolts & Fasteners!

A universal Stainless Steel socket grips any shape!

54 retractable steel rods automatically adjust to grip hex nuts, wing nuts, square nuts, eye bolts, hooks, broken-damaged-striped-rusted nuts & bolts and most anything!

Replaces a Complete Tool Box

Gator Grip is strong enough to handle up to 150 pounds of torque

Range: 7-19mm / 1/4″ – 3/4″

What’s Included:
1x Gator Grip
1x Power Drill Adapter

Great Gift For Friends & Family

Post time: Nov-16-2017