Free Energy ” One of a Kind Device “

A note to all you free energy experimenters..(Jan.10/09) Hold back on building this device. According to the testing that was done by myself in this video, it pointed towards free energy, but more research is needed to confirm this is so.
This free energy device is simple in design with no moving parts, cheap to build and it works. It allows you to extract free electricity from your housing wiring, enough to power a string of 30-blue led mini lights and more… Led light set = 120-volts x 20ma = 2.4 watts. Materials (1) one mini led light set (Wal-Mart Brand / Energy Star, Cat no.YM-30LG) (2) 2 solid brass rods ( 32″L x 3/16″ diameter )
(3) One 3-amp fullwave bridge (4) Four L- brackets ( brass 1.5″ x 1.5″ ) with mounting screws (5) Two feet x 1/4 inch diameter electrical shrink tubing (6) Two hundred and fifty feet x 8 ( # 26 magnetic wire (7) One wooden base ( 28″L x 3.5″W x 5/8″ in thickness ) (9) One utility appliance plug ( 3-wire ) with 6-foot extension wire (10) One bind post, black (11) Six low profile rubber feet with mounting screws (12) One jumper wire ( to bridge brass rods ) Just dreaming out loud…If one million people at the same time were to duplicate my 2nd generation device in which I am in the process of building ( eight rods & coils ), they could generate 2.4 million watts plus of “free electricity” per hour. Don’t worry you are not stealing power from the grid, all you are doing is removing the free static electric charge x 60hz that surrounds the hot supply black wire, that is all. The wound coils are acting like an antenna along with the ground. Current draw from the grid is zero. The color of the hot live wire and its frequency will change according to the country in which you live. Electricity can kill, so be careful. Insulate the hot live brass rods from the surrounding coil forms with electrical shrink tubing. Also insulate or cover the “End L-brackets” to protect against electric shocks. Free energy / electricity is in the eye of the beholders, will it ever really be free…or will the governments of the world put a stop to it,or did they? The information on this device is free, along with the electricity it produces. Action is better than words, so take on the challenge…and experiment in free energy…

Post time: Mar-12-2018