Famous YouTuber “Wills Easy Guitar” is a criminal. Uses fake subs to dislike/flag THE TRUTH.

Comments are disabled because Will has multi accounts that troll me/others. He lies to his 90k subs and plays the victim and tells them to flag my video. He lied to you about “Fender Lover 83″. Lied to your face. And he backtracked, deleted his vids, deleted mine to bury evidence.

There are fake posters that post abuse/dislikes etc on his behalf. A small group of friends with many fake accounts each. When the YouTubers lost subs last year after all spam accounts were removed, Will lost more than anyone. His subs bounced back after YouTube rectified the spam account glitch.

Famous YouTuber Wills Easy Guitar posed as multiple fake customers of my guitar company, and spread forum rumors “they” were ripped off by Circle Of Tone last year. Please download/share.

If you know anyone at Google/Youtube that I can send my evidence to, let me know. It includes his I.P. address, home address close to the IP location, email etc and is linked to both Wills East Guitar and fake customer Fender Lover 83.

Post time: Feb-27-2018