ELISA plate washing with HydroFlex™ microplate washer

HydroFlex™ plate washing for ELISAs

• Excellent wash efficiency and minimum residual volume
• Optimized wash results

The HydroFlex microplate washer has been designed for general purpose use, and meets the IVD-directive 98/79/ EC for Europe when configured for ELISA washing. In combination with HydroControl™ software, it is also meets FDA’s Title 21 CFR part 11 criteria.
Every HydroFlex system is supplied with Tecan’s intuitive HydroControl software, providing example wash programs and a pre-defined plate library, as well as a simulation mode for offline operation.
This easy-to-use software also provides a standardized interface for integration of the HydroFlex ontoTecan’s Freedom EVO liquid handling workstations or Freedom EVOlyzer ELISA analyzer, offering compete workflow automation.

The HydroFlex microplate washer is a truly flexible plate washer that provides excellent automated microplate strip washing and vacuum filtration performance for 96-well microplate formats.
This modular and upgradeable plate washer is ideal for a wide range of cell-, enzyme- and DNA-based applications.

Post time: Aug-30-2018