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Today I am going to show you our new line of RUKO drill bits, countersinks and hole saws. AutomationDirect started carrying drill bits and sets almost two years ago and our product team keeps bringing you more and better tools at great prices.
Let’s start off with the Drill bits: there are new sizes in metric high speed steel and high speed steel cobalt and fractional inch bits in the high speed steel cobalt bits – the HSS-Co or cobalt bits are better for drilling in harder materials. There are ninety three new parts with individual sizes and kits.
Next is our addition of more step drills. We are adding individual sizes and kits in high speed steel cobalt and high speed steel titanium nitride coated bits. There are ten new drills with this line up.
Next up is our new Counter sinks. A counter sink drills a cone shaped hole for use with flat head screws so that they can be installed flat across a surface. There are six new part numbers in individual sizes and a kit.
Last is our hole saw kits. AutomationDirect has carried hole saws, but as individual part numbers. These new Bi-metal high speed steel and bi-metal cobalt saws are sold in kits. The kits include pilot drill bits and arbors and there are seven kits available.
You can find the agency approvals and specs for all of these new RUKO cutting tools on our website at:
Don’t forget: we sell other drill bits, hole saws and tools.
Check back with us often on AutomationDirects websites or on for more Kickstart videos. If you are watching us on YouTube, please let us know what you think about these new RUKO tools or how you plan to use them in your application by leaving us a comment down below.
Thanks for watching and we hope to see you again soon.
Related part numbers: 101701, 101702, 101703, 101704, 101705, 101706, 101707, 101708, 101709, 102153, 102714, 102716, 102719, 102721, 102723, 106014, 106016, 106017, 106019, 106020, 106021, 106022, 106024, 106025, 106027, 106029, 106030, 106032, 106033, 106035, 106036, 106037, 106038, 106040, 106041, 106043, 106044, 106046, 106048, 106051, 106052, 106054, 106055, 106057, 106059, 106060, 106063, 106064, 106065, 106067, 106068, 106070, 106073, 106076, 106079, 106083, 106086, 106089, 106092, 106095, 106098, 106102, 106105, 106108, 106111, 106114, 106121, 106127, 106133, 106140, 106152, 106160, 106168, 106177, 106200, 106201, 106202, 106206, 106209, 106210, 106302, 106304, 106318, 126014, 126016, 126019, 126022, 126024, 126025, 126027, 126029, 126030, 126032, 126035, 126038, 126041, 126043, 126044, 126046, 126048, 126051, 126054, 126057, 126060, 126064, 126067, 126070, 126073, 126076, 126079, 126083, 126086, 126089, 126092, 126095, 126098, 126102, 126108, 126111, 126114, 126121, 126127, 126140, 126152, 126160, 126168, 126200, 126206, 126302, 126304, 126318, 214010, 214015, 214020, 214025, 214030, 214033, 214035, 214040, 214042, 214045, 214050, 214055, 214060, 214065, 214068, 214070, 214075, 214080, 214085, 214090, 214095, 214100, 214102, 214105, 214110, 214115, 214120, 214125, 214130, 214801, 214802, 214803, 214804, 214805, 214806, 214807, 214808, 214809, 214810, 214811, 214812, 214813, 214814, 214815, 214816, 214817, 214818, 214819, 214820, 214821, 214822, 214823, 214824, 214825, 214826, 214827, 214828, 214829, 214850, 214851, 215010, 215015, 215020, 215025, 215030, 215033, 215035, 215040, 215042, 215045, 215050, 215055, 215060, 215065, 215068, 215070, 215075, 215080, 215085, 215090, 215095, 215100, 215102, 215105, 215110, 215115, 215120, 215125, 215130, 215801, 215802, 215803, 215804, 215805, 215806, 215807, 215808, 215809, 215810, 215811, 215812, 215813, 215814, 215815, 215816, 215817, 215818, 215819, 215820, 215821, 215822, 215823, 215824, 215825, 215826, 215827, 215828, 215829, 215850, 215851, 2149003, 2149007, 2149014, 2149016, 2149021, 2149025, 2149029, 2149033, 2149036, 2149037, 2149038, 2149042, 2149043, 101026US, 101026USERO, 101026USTRO, 101701E, 101701T, 101702E, 101702T, 101703E, 101703T, 101704E, 101704T, 101705E, 101705T, 101706E, 101706T, 101707E, 101707T, 101708T, 101709E, 101709T, 106341A, 214214RO, 214215RO, 214900F, 214900I, 214900Q, 215214RO, 215215RO, 250801T, 250802T, 250803T, 250804T, 250805T, 250806T, 250807T, 250808T, 250809T, 250810T, 250811T, 250812T, 250813T, 250814T, 250815T, 250816T, 250817T, 250818T, 250819T, 250820T, 250821T, 250822T, 250823T, 250824T, 250825T, 250826T, 250827T, 250828T, 250829T, 250850T, 250851T
Post time: Oct-10-2018