Cut wooden nut threads with a router

I created a complex jig to cut threads on a wooden nut. This can work for any size nut that you desire.
I guess many people are struggling to follow this old video of mine for making this jig. My jig design is just a concept and many could take my concept and improve greatly upon it as my design was super crude and I don’t expect others would want to use it. the major points are as follows:
1. cut a spade bit hole drill to the shape and angle desired for cutting the wooden threads which can fit into a router.
2. make a thread angle jig with a razor blade and a piece of pine dowel so the first cut thread matches your razor blade angle.
3. rinse and repeat.
it really is a simple concept – i really don’t know how to answer your questions with comments like “no idea”, and “waste of time”, and “difficult to gather anything from the video”.
I’m really a nice guy and am totally willing a answer anyone’s questions. I recorded this with my phone at 1 in the morning on a work night because I was super excited and super tired. Don’t expect production quality and don’t be a jerk about it. I’m super proud I got this to work and your negative comments frustrate me.

Post time: Mar-14-2018