Cleaning a Chevy Trailblazer throttle body I6 4.2

How to remove, clean, and reinstall the throttle body on a 4.2 inline 6 trailblazer.

This procedure is usually done if the engine idles rough or stalls with the a/c or defrost on AFTER the battery has been disconnected.

I also show an alternate method for resetting the pcm. (I found this tip in a post by mwfaith1971 on trailvoy)

Update 3/1/12 – Frequently asked questions:

Q- why do you pull those fuses?
A- to reset the pcm WITHOUT disconnecting the battery

Q- why don’t you disconnect the battery?
A- that could potentially cause hvac actuator failure, moreso in the older ones like my 03…YOU can reset the pcm however you want to in yours:)

Q- can I pull the fuses and then clean the throttle body?
A- absolutely!

Edit 7/2014 – Sorry looks like I have to close comments on this one. Too many peeps trying to promote their shitty channels and giving horrible advice. I’ve probably done this procedure more times then all of you assholes combined so I think I know what the fuck I’m talking about. Thanks for letting me know how much I suck, 169,000 peeps will tell you otherwise.

Post time: Aug-24-2018