Chekcpoint and Sensormatic Security Tag Removal With Magnetic Detacher

This video demonstrates how retailers should apply and remove anti-theft security tags from clothing they want to protect from Shoplifting. One of the security tags used in the demonstration is the Sensormatic AMT1000 tag that operates at the UltraMax frequency of 58 KHz. The Checkpoint Mini Tag and Checkpoint UFO Tag, which are 8.2 MHz Radio-Frequency (RF) tags, are also shown in the video. These tags are used to help retailers reduce shrink by connecting them to apparel and other soft goods. They can be used in conjunction with ink tags or ink pins for a double measure of protection. They can be removed at the checkout counter with any magnetic detacher or remover.

Please visit for more information regarding these and all other EAS security tags.

Post time: Jan-24-2018