The index for this tutorial is below (click “Show More”); if you have any questions or comments please post them in the FreeCAD forum,
This was Tutorial 06 but I re-numbered it on Jan 10, 2014 in an attempt to avoid confusion. After this tutorial was published I added voice audio to match the captions, so it’s easier to follow. That tutorial is here:
A dimensioned copy of the .pdf file used in the video can be downloaded from:
The FreeCAD version used here is v0.14.2370 for 32-bit Windows. Newer FreeCAD versions have since been released, so your version should have all the tools shown in this tutorial.
00:35 Create Sketch with Polyline
01:01 Toggle Polyline Mode
01:44 Use of Coincident Constraint
01:52 Use of Horizontal Constraint
02:02 Use of Sketcher Fillet tool
02:23 Use of Equality Constraint
03:38 Use of Horizontal Distance Constraint
03:50 Use of Vertical Distance Constraint
04:10 Use of Equality Constraint
04:30 Delete redundant Constraint
04:49 Use of Radius Constraint
05:03 Use of Fix Point Onto Object Constraint
07:35 Revolution of a Sketch
08:02 Editing a Sketch to change the model
08:24 Toggle object visibility
08:32 Automatically fix point onto a line by Preselection
09:23 Create Spoke hole by Pocketing Through All
09:54 Create a Polar Pattern Feature
10:33 Edit Sketch (bolt holes) to change the model
11:09 Create keyway by Pocketing Through All
11:15 Sketcher Rectangle
11:20 Sketcher Create Edge Linked to External Geometry
11:27 Sketcher Fix Point onto External Geometry
11:31 Sketcher Symmetry Constraint
12:18 Create keyway by Pocketing Through All
12:47 Change Occurrences of Polar Pattern Feature to increase number of spokes
13:21 Fillet all bolt hole edges
Post time: Jun-13-2017